Sunday, December 03, 2017

Three Thoughts to Get You on the Mat

For the days you're just not feelin' it

Sometimes you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, sometimes you feel drained or foggy, sometimes you just feel like a big ole personification of 'Blah'. Lets face it, some days just suck. But that doesn't necessarily mean you have to let it suck you in and bring you down. 
Here's a few thoughts for the days you'll need to drag yourself to the yoga mat.


Seriously, think about the past. Think about how you generally felt day-to-day before you started yoga. Think about why you started. Think about how you handled life and its curve-balls. Think about how you celebrated victories. 


Now, think about all those things you thought about regarding the past, and how you've changed in those various scenarios. No matter how minuscule, I bet there's been an improvement. Now, just because today sucks, don't let it suck you in and bring you down. Think about how good yoga feels, and how good yoga makes you feel. 


Imagine, or visualize, if you will, your-Future-self thanking their Past-self (that's you!) for making the difficult decision to continue your yoga journey on what may be a terribly tough day. Speaking of which, We should All take a moment to thank our Past-selves for enduring through the downer days in the past. 

Thank You, Past-self.

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